Noor Acupuncture and Wellness offers integrative and holistic treatments at its Encino establishment, including acupuncture therapy for weight loss, rejuvenation of the body, instant energizing, and to promote healing.
Acupuncture has been around for a long time, and for over two millennia it has been used for its known healing and preventive benefits. A study of the history of acupuncture would reveal that the practice actually goes beyond recorded history, and that it was used from the Iron Age to Ancient China. In the Western world, acupuncture became popular sometime in the 17th century, when travel and trade between the continents sped up. It has since then been a popular and effective treatment for a number of complications and complaints, and even comes up in President Nixon’s famed 1972 China visit.
As of 1995, acupuncture needles became classified as Class II medical devices, according to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). There also exists a consensus between many, according to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), over the acknowledgement of acupuncture being an effective therapeutic method. The consensus was reached at as a result of the NIH Consensus Conference in 1997–98, wherein it was decided that acupuncture is a “therapeutic intervention” and is “widely practiced” in the country. In as many as 40 states, acupuncture exists as a practice, with professional training centers and schools in place, and Los Angeles is one of the states where the Acupuncture Practice Act applies.
Acupuncture is a proven antidote for anxiety and is even known to help with issues of infertility. It has also been used by people who experience insomnia, sleep irregularities, and disruptive circadian rhythms. From helping heal existing injuries and wounds to helping manage pain and illnesses of various kinds, acupuncture is a refined holistic treatment that is geared toward maintaining the overall wellness of the body.
Acupuncture helps with a number of health complications such as issues of the upper respiratory tract, disorders of the mouth, neurological, gastrointestinal, and musculoskeletal disorders, and even helps with several mental and emotional complications such as anxiety, stress, nervousness, and depression. From headaches to blood pressure hikes to problems of the respiratory tract, there’s a lot that can be managed with the help of acupuncture. The procedure has also been known to help manage symptoms and side-effects of chemotherapy, such as vomiting and nausea.
Our acupuncture treatments are designed and customized for each individual client, so as to meet their specific requirements better. For example, if you’re seeking acupuncture for weight loss, we will use premium, thin acupuncture needles and have them inserted at specific and carefully selected Meridian points in the human body. The depths to which these needles are inserted vary according to the specific requirements of the client. The aim and object of the acupuncture treatment is to balance the energy levels and states inside the body to promote harmony and long-lasting wellness. The key to ensuring such is the selection of the right Meridian points in the right combination. We will first carry out an examination, and then devise a course of action that is most suitable for your specific requirements.
Noor Acupuncture and Wellness has operations in Encino, Tarzana, Sherman Oaks, Studio City, North Hollywood, and Woodland Hills.